Saturday 15 August 2009

Ipod Shuffle Case - My design!

This pattern has not been checked - I wrote it as I went! Many apologies for any mistakes!

CO 40 stitches and join in the round. Divide over 3 dpns 10, 20, 10
Rows 1-13: St-st
Row 14: K10, P20, K10
Row 15 & 16: St-st
Row 17:K10, P20, K10
Row 18 & 19: St-st
Row 20: K10, P20, K10
Row 21-23: St-st
Row 24:K30, Cast off 10 stitches on third needle
Row 25: Cast off 10 stitches on first needle. K20.
You are now working with 20 stitches on one needle. Working straight.

Row 26-33:St-st (start with P row so RS is facing outwards).
Row 34: K20
Row 35: K1, K2tog,K14 SSK, K
Row 36: P18
Row 37: K1, K2tog,K12 SSK, K
Row 38: K16
Row 39: K1, K2tog,K10 SSK, K
Row 40: P14
Row 41: K1, K2tog,K3, cast off 2, K3, SSK, K
Row 42: P5, CO2, P5
Row 43: K1, K2tog,K6 SSK, K
Row 44: P10
Row 45: Cast off all stitches.

To finish off: Turn inside out and mattress stitch together bottom seam. Turn the correct way around and pace ipod inside. Pull flap over and mark for button. Secure 10mm contrasting button with waste yarn.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Time for a Quick Update

Too tired for a post with pictures. That will have to wait. I seem to have rather a lot of work in progress at the moment so I thought I would make a list (I like lists you see.)

*Blanket for Ns baby - Needed by End May
*Mothers Day present - bought some Rowan Romance, thinking scarf or shawl. Was thinking shrug but remember trauma of last one. Needed (whens mothers day?) or for birthday Mid May
*Squares - N ( a different one) is making a Charity Raffle blanket. Promised a few DK squares for it. Completed one in a blue-green-white baby yarn. Started a purple checkerboard type one. (5x5rib, reversing every 7 rows) - needed by I think next Wednesday if its to get to her in time.
*Stylecraft Harlequin Jumper for me - needed whenever really but by far my favourite thing to knit at the moment.
*2 Second sox - one in blue patterned Regia and one is a navy-blue regia mix
*A handbag
Plus of course many projects in my head!!

Why cant I do apostrophes or slashes? Driving me bonkers!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Half Term

Well it's been half term and whilst I haven't managed to finish a lot of projects, I have certainly bought a lot of yarn as well as participating in a glorious Yarn Swap with my LJ knitting friends!
I would love to post some pictures of the box of yarn but I seem to have misplaced my camera and even when I do find it, I know the batteries are on charge downstairs. I can't get downstairs because we are having a carpet fitted and there's gripper rod, underlay and bits of stuff everywhere between here and the kitchen!!

Well here is a purse I made for my friend Liz to say thank you for a wodge of needles that she sent. My sewing inside is terrible but I hope she won't mind too much!
I made these for my friend Nicki who is having a baby in June. They are more lilac than blue in real life! I bought the yarn to go into the Blanket which is also for her, but the colour is too intense and so I thought I would try out a pattern from the Knitter's Bible which is a great book I have.
This is some Stylecraft Life that I have bought to make a jumper. Found a shop locally that just stocks Stylecraft and Patons. Got a pattern and enough yarn for my rather large self for fifteen pounds. Bargain!

Friday 13 February 2009

A Valentines Card

Well I made Thom a Valentine's card. It's a bit crap if I'm honest. I've been so tired and rushed but that's not really an excuse I suppose! Needed a little more care and attention. I also seem totally unable to manage a camera tonight. Every photo is blurred or too bright. The batteries are running low but I wouldn't have thought that would make too much difference.
Here goes nothing...

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Blankie Progress

Still feeling a little mneurgh about this project, but I think that's the perfectionist in me. I struggle with mistakes but I'm too lazy or rubbish to correct them as I only seem to make things worse. I'm hoping that some creative weaving in will hide the holes, and the gapping between each square will just add character. Maybe.

Sunday 8 February 2009

King Cole Crazy!

Despite my best intentions, I managed to stumble on a Yarn Shop when Thom and I went to Hastings yesterday. See the pretty yarn...

One day I may discover some self control.. until then I shall knit I guess!!

Wednesday 4 February 2009

wip update

Four projects on the go at the moment!
1. Mitred Square blanket for my friend Nicola who is expecting a girl in June. It's actually four mint squares along the bottom. I plan for 4 coloured squares and then 3 white. Not sure exactly what will happen at the edges but I think there will be some smaller squares to fill in some of each empty triangle IYSWIM.

2. Wristwarmers
This is my own pattern which I've been planning for ages. Really quick to knit up and very warm and cosy. Like my second sock syndrome, I now have second wristwarmer syndrome too! I think I will have a night off and attend to blanket. Tomorrow I will start Wristwarmer 2 (or left) and hopefully they will be finished for the weekend!

3. Purple Socks
First ever socks. Far too big. Bored of them. Will prob wear as slipper socks.

4. Second Socks
Second pair. Modified what I did wrong with the purple ones. Only found out yesterday that I still don't do heel flaps right but hey ho.